How to Print Multiple Copies in Report in AL of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
How to Print Multiple Copies in Report in AL of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (MSDYN365BC)?
There are two parts in report
- AL Code
- RDL Layout (Similar to NAV).
AL Code
I have pasted the AL code for the Item List report.
report 50129 ItemListReport { UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis; ApplicationArea = All; CaptionML = ENU = 'AL Item List '; DefaultLayout = RDLC; RDLCLayout = './ItemListReport.rdl'; dataset { dataitem(Item; Item) { dataitem(CopyLoop; "Integer") { DataItemTableView = SORTING(Number); dataitem(PageLoop; "Integer") { DataItemTableView = SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number = CONST(1)); column(ItemNo; Item."No."){} column(ItemName; Item.Description){ } column(ItemUOM; Item."Base Unit of Measure"){ } Column(ItemCost; Item."Unit Cost"){ } column(ItemPrice; Item."Unit Price"){ } column(ShowUnitCost; ShowUnitCost){ } column(Outputno; OutputNo){} column(CopyText; CopyText){} } trigger OnAfterGetRecord(); begin if Number > 1 then begin CopyText := FormatDocument.GetCOPYText; OutputNo += 1; end; end; trigger OnPreDataItem(); begin NoOfLoops := ABS(NoOfCopies) + 1; CopyText := ''; SETRANGE(Number, 1, NoOfLoops); OutputNo := 1; end; } } } requestpage { layout { area(Content) { group(GroupName) { field("Show Unit Cost"; ShowUnitCost) {} field(NoOfCopies; NoOfCopies) { ApplicationArea = Advanced; } } } } actions { area(processing) { action(ActionName) { ApplicationArea = All; } } } } var ShowUnitCost: Boolean; NoOfCopies: Integer; NoOfLoops: Integer; CopyText: Text[30]; OutputNo: Integer; FormatDocument: Codeunit "Format Document"; }
As you can see i have added CopyLoop and PageLoop as a dataitem after the Item Dataitem similar to that in C/AL, Logic remains the same (Syntax changes).
I have added the code which is bold in above AL Code.
RDL Layout (Similar to NAV).
We have created RDL Layout in prev blog and we will be modfying the same for printing multiple copies in AL.
Let insert a List by Right click on the empty space as shown above. we will add group on OutputNo and Pagebreak for the same as shown in below screenshot
Now place the Table inside the List
Thats it your report is ready.
SAVE and CLOSE the SQL Server Report Builder.
Back in Visual Studio Code, press Ctrl+F5 to compile and run the report in Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Open Mordern Client search for AL ITEM LIST report and select Report, specify filter if required and run Report.
Add NoOfCopies as 1 and adding filter on Item No. to reduce the Records and Print.
Below is the output of the report having 2 copies.
So we have created a RDL Layout Report with Multiple Copies in AL for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
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