How to update the daily exchange rate by consuming web services from any bank.
Financial management users have the daily task of updating the exchange rate with respect to any foreign currency, however, this task is often done manually. In the next post, I will explain the simple way to consume a central bank web service in this case of Mexico (It works for any country) and updates the exchange rate table.
It is important to know that for it to be done automatically, you simply need to expose a Job Queue that executes this update task daily.
Below the source code:
procedure GetRateforDateBanxico() var Client: HttpClient; Response: HttpResponseMessage; ContentTxt: Text; Root: JsonObject; CurRate: Decimal; CurRateTxt: text; CurDateTxT: Text; ExchangeRate: Record "Currency Exchange Rate"; BMSetup: Record "GetCurrfromBM Setup"; Pos: Integer; PosD: Integer; begin BMSetup.Get(); if Client.Get('' BMSetup."Bank Series to Use" '/datos/oportuno?mediaType=json&token=' BMSetup.Token, Response) then begin if Response.IsSuccessStatusCode() then begin if Response.Content().ReadAs(ContentTxt) then begin if Root.ReadFrom(ContentTxt) then begin if ContentTxt.Contains('dato":"') then begin Pos := StrPos(ContentTxt, 'dato":"') 7; CurRateTxt := CopyStr(ContentTxt, Pos, 7); PosD := StrPos(ContentTxt, 'fecha":"') 8; CurDateTxT := CopyStr(ContentTxt, PosD, 10); if Evaluate(CurRate, CurRateTxt) then begin ExchangeRate.Init(); ExchangeRate."Currency Code" := BMSetup."Currency Code"; ExchangeRate."Starting Date" := ConvDate(CurDateTxT); if ExchangeRate.Insert(true) then begin ExchangeRate.Validate("Exchange Rate Amount", 1); ExchangeRate.Validate("Relational Exch. Rate Amount", CurRate); ExchangeRate.Validate("Adjustment Exch. Rate Amount", 1); ExchangeRate.Validate("Relational Adjmt Exch Rate Amt", CurRate); ExchangeRate.Modify(true); end; end else message('There´s no data to read'); end else Error('Could not find "dato" in XML (%1)', ContentTxt); end else Error('Malformed XML (%1)', ContentTxt); end else error('server did not return') end else begin if Response.Content().ReadAs(ContentTxt) then Error('Fail call with code (%1) (Info %2', Response.HttpStatusCode(), ContentTxt) else Error('Fail call with cod (%1)', Response.HttpStatusCode) end; end else Error('Cannot connect'); end; local procedure ConvDate(curdatetxt: text): Date var finaldate: Date; begin if Evaluate(finaldate, curdatetxt) then exit(finaldate); end;
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